It was nice and sunny yesterday, so we went to the park. Here's a picture of yesterday's lunch, packed in bento box (Japanese lunch box) style.
A healthy and delicious lunch |
Going clockwise from the top left corner, we have: scrambled eggs (tamagoyaki), sticky mochi brown rice with red beans (mochi genmai sekihan), millet croquets with corn, stir-fried vegetables, kale with humus and oranges, thinly grated long white radish (daikon) and carrot in vinegar (sunomono), and chicken teriyaki burgers (they're actually only about 50% chicken; the rest is vegetables -- mushrooms, lotus root (renkon), onion, etc.). Delicious! Thank you, Hiromi!
It was a beautiful day! Sarah got some sun...
Picnic in the Park |
Afterwords, we stopped by Hiromi's favorite cake shop in the area --
Satura! We later met up with some friends for dinner, and we ended up watching Netflix together back at our apartment until late. If you wanna see a Thai girl kick some butt, check out the movie "
Wow, umm I want Hirmomi to make me a bento box! That looks RIDICULOUS!! Sooo good.